Olive oil toast
Olive oil toast is my favorite way to make toast. I eat this almost every day. Compared to using a toaster, making toast in a pan results in a perfectly brown, crisp, fluffy, moist toast. It takes less than 5 minutes and it is so delicious. You can also make perfect toast from frozen.
Sliced bread
Olive oil
Preheat a pan on medium heat until heated all the way through (if you are using non-stick, add olive oil at the beginning to prevent the non-stick finish overheating).
Add 1-2 tbsp olive oil and heat for another 30 seconds.
If the olive oil moves fluidly and is shimmering its a good temperature. If it's smoking, it's too hot. If it's flowing slowly it's too cold and you bread will absorb the oil instead of frying in it.
Cook on 2 minutes per side, until deeply golden.
Follow the same method to cook directly from frozen.
Eat any way that you would eat toast.
I eat this toast almost every single day for lunch. It is perfect and you can be inventive with whatever you have in the fridge. If you want to follow along with my almost-every-day-toast journey, I post most of my daily cooking on my Instagram Stories as @markosavic.